
Inspired by Kasper Häggström's new music video for Radiohead's If Yo Say The Word. I tried to recreate the "mildly" disturbing morning routine. 

- Level 1 shows wild employees in their natural habitat, where they were hunted by the farmers/hunters to sell to the national capitalists.

- Level 2 shows an unforeseen traffic accident, where we see our protagonist trying to escape back into the wild.

- Level 3 we see a domesticated protagonist waiting for the right time and sign wink wink.

Some fun features I thought of:

1. Show a seemingly pointless quote when the player dies like the classic COD series.

2. Make the title scene focus on our player model walking since this is all you'll get to do the whole game.

Some stuff I figured out along the way:

1. To play 2 different BGMs in Menu and Game settings.

2. Use the same animating method to make the coin hover and move as the walking sequence of our protagonist.

Stuffs need to be addressed:

1. Haven't figure out the bug where the "item acquired" sound effect won't play after added in the BGM.

2. Haven't being able to make a set path for my enemies, tried a pre-written scripts but the result is not optimal.

3. Not able to figure how to animate the fellow wild employees like the stereotype animals turning their heads/bodies back and forth in time.

Lessons Learned:

1. Since I'm going for a 2.5D setting, I modified my player's collider a bit shorter than the sprite display, to create a more organic feel of space. 


To create a more dynamic system, incorporate more flowing variables (scores, coffees, some other sorts of credentials, tokens...) to make the overall gameplay more engaging. Also adding more movements to the npcs and maybe even pointless dialogs,(in the form of a conversation bubble) to really hit home the post-modern existential dread. The metaphors of collectibles still need to be tidied up, right now it's just a group of mundane tokens you'll find in a normal city morning.


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Nice work! I love the background story of this game and the way it integrates into the game mechanism! The visual part of this game is impressive. Different collectable things in different scene creates more fun in the game. I think it would be better to have some effect sound when collect coins or coffee.

I love how complete this is showing,  all the elements are so well-designed, also the idea of relating to a song and music video is so cool. Love it

It reminds me to think of the game called “The Sims.” It is a good start to build like this when we learn how to use unity and build games. Great beginning.

Very short and sweet! Great alignment with the music video and the themes explored in the piece. I love the scoring element and the animations. Feels very complete and well put together, though a check for which screen you are on when you restart could be good.

Immediately the game looks very professional. The concept is a cool idea, its a great song. I feel like this could be a game we would be shown to understand what this genre of games is.

This game is very complete, and I also like your inspirations and design concepts which make your game richer. The game itself is also quite challenging, at least for me it is lol, it was quite difficult to play with. I think it would be fun if there could be more storytelling content about Radiohead's If Yo Say The Word add into the game! But overall it's a great game design.

This game is very professional.  Also, I love the game concept that comes from a music video. After watching the music video, I better understand the game.

The concept of this game is extremely well thought out and complex. It is well executed in the sense that the meaning is not completely obvious until you watch the music video. It is great how the game appears to be simple, and then you are able to discover an entirely new layer. 

Playing the game for the first time, I could tell the slightly intense but mundane vibe of the routine. Then, I watched Kasper Häggström's music video for Radiohead's If Yo Say The Word., and the game made more sense.  For the people wearing suits everyday, commuting, running, smiling,  telling the time, how would they know they are not puppets of the national captitalists. And how would I know I'm not one of them? Good job on designing the game that echoes the video.

I watched the Radiohead music video and that really helped me connect to the game! I think using games as an accompanier to other media is such an interesting idea. I wonder if things could go in the opposite way in the future for you and you find yourself creating a game for someone's song i.e. a game that functions as a music video (instead of a game from a music video). That could be cool

Yes, you have to watch Radiohead's If You Say The Word first before playing in order to fully enjoy this game. after watching the music video and playing a couple of times, I ponder of my everyday commute on public transportations when I worked, feeling numb and dragged out. nicely transfer the idea into the game! 

Reading about the game's connection Radiohead's If Yo Say The Word made me like the game a lot! It would be interesting to have that be something the player has to read about before proceeding to the first level because the context added so much for me. I also enjoy the semi open world feel this game has, it was refreshing after seeing so many maze runners.