In the world of rodents there exists a cruel hierarchy, much like those we humans create for ourselves. In this world rats and mice often cross paths, but mice are decidedly on the bottom… Destitute and desperate. The protagonist of the game is a small mouse, whose family and friends have been left starving in the sewers by this dystopian rodent society. The goal of the game will seemingly be to collect cheese as food for the starving lower class….BUT… As you move up in the world the mouse will forget about their roots and the focus will become about seeking power and luxury for themself alone. Each level the mouse climbs will represent a class elevation as he climbs the ‘social ladder’ (The mouse's character design will grow more and more bougie as the levels progress). When you reach the final level  and the ‘win state’ mouse will resemble the horrid bigatous rats that they so loathed at the beginning of the game and you will have become the enemy who once oppressed you.


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This concept is honestly so funny, and at the same time super clever, the game design does a great job at communicating the concept, which is super difficult given the complexity of the ratocracy.

LOve love love how classic this game design feels. It really reminds me of some OG platformer games, I really loved it. I appreciate how even though its simple its still entertaining and something I could go on and on with playing.

Your game design style is very uniform, like one of those old-fashioned pixel games. I really like the background tones of each of your levels, it feels very harmonious to have a different color palette. The animation of the big mouse is also very smooth. 

To be honest, I actually spent more than 10 minutes to finally become "what I once loathed". The one-shot-to-die mechanism, quick bullet speed, and head-butted Platforms really make it challenging, which I enjoy! Nice music choice, from calm to more intense, music has done a lot. Great overall works!

I love the metaphors in your game and it indicates the concept so well, as the visualization really fits the concept. It is a complicated and simple game, love how you designed it!

Although I don't like mice in real life, this mouse seems a little cute and it reminds me to think of that famous mouse in the world "Jerry," who also is always chasing for the cheese.

You guys took a really complicated concept and executed it really well. The metaphor in the narrative is really amazing and I enjoyed John playtesting the game. The game is slightly difficult to play as the player dies instantly. You could give lives to the player. 

Adding effectors to platforms would improve the gameplay experience a lot so that's something to experiment with. 

Beautiful design around this concept. I love the idea of a rat collecting cheese as a metaphor for the way we collect currency as humans. Maybe make the bullets that the enemies shoot bigger and slower, and consider implementing a health system so the player doesn't die instantly. Great world design and level building. Also, make sure the capital resets when you die! Currently it is persistent among lives.

This is a very complete and well-designed game, I like the game concept of how you guys came up with the small thing around our daily life. I like the game mechanism you guys have in the game, it's very special. Great job!

This game is very professianal. I love the game concept. The visuals is great. 

I enjoy the idea of playing as a rat instead of a humanoid being, especially as someone who has lived in NYC for a while. I wish there was a way to combat the enemies since you were only able to dodge them but not harm them. I enjoyed the dialogue and narrative shift as you go up in elevation including the environment shift in the art. Great job!

I love the idea of using personification in this manner to convey political commentary.